But, unfortunately... My words are usually read only by a select few people if I am lucky. I hope that my words can touch and help yall, because I know that some of the stuff I read on your blog...helps me!
Today, I woke up... with a newly found peace! I knew that God was going to take care of me and my situation. It is so hard to trust...that I don't have to be in control of my life or everything in my life. It's defiantely hard to let someone else be in control. But the thing is.... I DO HAVE TO TRUST that someone else is going to control my life better than I can control it myself.
So far, I haven't been let down. Yes, I've had to let go and get rid of things I didn't really want to let go of, and yes I've had to give up alot. BUT it has all been worth it. God has led me to great places and to great people. There are still things from the past that linger that have been the hardest to let go of.... but I finally have.... AND IT FEELS AMAZING! Not to worry if i'm loved or not by a certain person or if they think about me or miss me or want to be with me! It wasn't easy because that person is what I wanted and dude..I'd be lying if I said I didn't still want it, because I do..but thats not the point. The point is...that I want him...but I'll be ok if God ends up not changing the person I want and sending me someone better. Because that's how God rolls. He either doesn't want that for you and has something better or its not the right time and you gotta be patient. I'm so at peace with this now... its hard to let go...but once you finally do, you will be sittin there like...why didn't I do this earlier! Because you are not sitting there thinking about things all day...yeah i think about it... but not as much! I gave it to God to handle so what is the point of sitting there thinking about it all day and wondering what is going to happen. YOU CANNOT CHANGE THINGS..... only GOD CAN.
God is going to do HIS WILL, whether you like it or not...so don't try to change it because you can't. Just agree with Him and let him do his job. He knows what He is doing. Someone told me the other day "Sometimes OUR yes's are alot louder than GOD's no's! Which means we are pretty much fighting God and telling him what we want instead of telling him to give us what He wants! It was hard to grasp but I knew God kept telling me, "jessica, you just gotta let go!" I just didn't want to hear it because it's not what I wanted to do. I was scared that as soon as I let go, that would be it......the end of my boy and i..... I didn't want that... I couldn't even begin to think about a life without him in it....
When God tells you to let go...He's not telling you to stop talkin and being friends but he's sayin stop expecting things to go YOUR WAY and let them happen MY WAY!
Fall in love with God. Make your next boyfriend go through God to get to you. For instance, my situation...I AM NOT GOING TO BE WITH SOMEONE WHO ISN'T ON THE SAME LEVEL I'M ON, and I'm not going to be with someone who doesn't love jesus. We all know what we want...its just that we settle for what we can get. Don't settle! You don't have too! You deserve the best because YOU ARE ROYALTY! You are a precious child of God and that is what makes you so special! I will NOT COMPROMISE on certain things that I want out of a man. I am not willing to sacrafice certain things to be with a man. I am not going to let anyone bring me down to the point that I don't know who I am without them. Its just not a fun feeling and it hurts!
God gave me this verse about my guy and I realized after reading it that I can't put myself in a position with him because he ain't on my level. This verse describes my situation and my dude to a tea!
James 3:13-18
If you are wise and understand Gods ways, live a life of steady goodnes so that only good deeds will pour forth. And if you don't brag about the good you do, then you will be truly wise. But if you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in your hearts, don't brag about being wise. That is the worst kind of lie. For jealousy and selfishness are not Gods kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and motivated by the devil. For wherever there is jealousy, there is selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and every kind of evil.
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure.It is also peace, loving, gentle at times, and willing to yeild to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no partiality and is always sincere. And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of goodness.
I am not sure what everyone is going through...but no ones life is completely perfect without any flaws to it. Whatever it is.... I challenge you to give it to God, and see how your life changes!
I love YAll!!! :o)
But, unfortunately... My words are usually read only by a select few people if I am lucky. I hope that my words can touch and help yall, because I know that some of the stuff I read on your blog...helps me!
Today, I woke up... with a newly found peace! I knew that God was going to take care of me and my situation. It is so hard to trust...that I don't have to be in control of my life or everything in my life. It's defiantely hard to let someone else be in control. But the thing is.... I DO HAVE TO TRUST that someone else is going to control my life better than I can control it myself.
So far, I haven't been let down. Yes, I've had to let go and get rid of things I didn't really want to let go of, and yes I've had to give up alot. BUT it has all been worth it. God has led me to great places and to great people. There are still things from the past that linger that have been the hardest to let go of.... but I finally have.... AND IT FEELS AMAZING! Not to worry if i'm loved or not by a certain person or if they think about me or miss me or want to be with me! It wasn't easy because that person is what I wanted and dude..I'd be lying if I said I didn't still want it, because I do..but thats not the point. The point is...that I want him...but I'll be ok if God ends up not changing the person I want and sending me someone better. Because that's how God rolls. He either doesn't want that for you and has something better or its not the right time and you gotta be patient. I'm so at peace with this now... its hard to let go...but once you finally do, you will be sittin there like...why didn't I do this earlier! Because you are not sitting there thinking about things all day...yeah i think about it... but not as much! I gave it to God to handle so what is the point of sitting there thinking about it all day and wondering what is going to happen. YOU CANNOT CHANGE THINGS..... only GOD CAN.
God is going to do HIS WILL, whether you like it or not...so don't try to change it because you can't. Just agree with Him and let him do his job. He knows what He is doing. Someone told me the other day "Sometimes OUR yes's are alot louder than GOD's no's! Which means we are pretty much fighting God and telling him what we want instead of telling him to give us what He wants! It was hard to grasp but I knew God kept telling me, "jessica, you just gotta let go!" I just didn't want to hear it because it's not what I wanted to do. I was scared that as soon as I let go, that would be it......the end of my boy and i..... I didn't want that... I couldn't even begin to think about a life without him in it....
When God tells you to let go...He's not telling you to stop talkin and being friends but he's sayin stop expecting things to go YOUR WAY and let them happen MY WAY!
Fall in love with God. Make your next boyfriend go through God to get to you. For instance, my situation...I AM NOT GOING TO BE WITH SOMEONE WHO ISN'T ON THE SAME LEVEL I'M ON, and I'm not going to be with someone who doesn't love jesus. We all know what we want...its just that we settle for what we can get. Don't settle! You don't have too! You deserve the best because YOU ARE ROYALTY! You are a precious child of God and that is what makes you so special! I will NOT COMPROMISE on certain things that I want out of a man. I am not willing to sacrafice certain things to be with a man. I am not going to let anyone bring me down to the point that I don't know who I am without them. Its just not a fun feeling and it hurts!
God gave me this verse about my guy and I realized after reading it that I can't put myself in a position with him because he ain't on my level. This verse describes my situation and my dude to a tea!
James 3:13-18
If you are wise and understand Gods ways, live a life of steady goodnes so that only good deeds will pour forth. And if you don't brag about the good you do, then you will be truly wise. But if you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in your hearts, don't brag about being wise. That is the worst kind of lie. For jealousy and selfishness are not Gods kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and motivated by the devil. For wherever there is jealousy, there is selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and every kind of evil.
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure.It is also peace, loving, gentle at times, and willing to yeild to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no partiality and is always sincere. And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of goodness.
I am not sure what everyone is going through...but no ones life is completely perfect without any flaws to it. Whatever it is.... I challenge you to give it to God, and see how your life changes!
I love YAll!!! :o)
Oh girl! I know Its so hard.. I know what you mean, by committing it in to Gods hands. He knows us inside and out, & our hearts, and what will make us happy better than we ever could.. I was praying last night, as I had a rough night last night too. But It makes me feel better , knowing I'm not alone in this.. Less sleepless nights, and days thinking.. Thanks for the prayers.. Really need them, and I will say one for you as well. :) Night girly. I love your posts. Love ya
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