Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Frontin and Fakin

I woke up this a.m in a pretty descent mood. I usually am pretty happy and a go with the flow person. It was absolutely beautiful outside so i decided to head to the pool. On my way out... I ran into a friend of mine, who I must say... needs the Lord in a bad way!!!!! She has been hinting to me that she wants to change and texts me all the time telling me she wants to talk about things. I am ALWAYS up to talk to people about the Love the LoRD has to give. ANywaYS.... so i sat down with her and she starts telling me she wants to buy my car. If none of you don't know this.... My car is wrecked... one night I went out... WHEN I KNEW I SHOULDNT HAVE and i had a bad feeling God was gonna get me for it too.... but This drunk idiot got stuck in a ditch and ended up RAMMING his truck into my car to get it unstuck and then DROVE OFF!
SO yeah... she wants to buy my car and just have it fixed.... and of course i've been wantin and needin a new car in the worse way! If i could just get the down payment on a new car I would take it and go get me a new car in a HOT MINUTE! hehe well we started talkin about the Lord... she started tellin me that she thought that everything that could go wrong in her life... was! And she started sayin that she started to blame God for takin certain friends and people out of her life.
All i could think about saying was this..... Why don't you give God the attention and love he deserves. I heard someone say this one time.... AND I BELIEVE IT..... God is going to make you miserable until you commit to him. You are going to be in pain and problems are gonna come more while you live your life without Jesus Christ. She told me she was ready... but she wasnt ready to give up the partying.... But she said at the same time.... she hates doing the things that she does... that it's not fun for her anymore! She began telling me how scared she was to commit to the Lord because of what OTHER PEOPLE would think of her. Not only her friends from the past but also christian people.... I said "NOOOOOO" no one is going to judge you. SHe said that there were things she didnt understand, that she didn't know that bible back and forth, and that she had so many questions about faith. She said she was so scared that people would question her for NOT KNOWING about God and not knowing the bible.

And you know..... that really upset me.

I TRY MY BESTTTTTT to make sure that people know I am a TRUE CHRISTIAN... that I am as much like Jesus as I can be. The apostle Paul stated that we should imitate him just as he imitated Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). Which means this... God most often calls people who don't view themselves as high and mighty but who instead see problems in themselves. They are more humble and teachable because they can more readily recognize and acknowledge their human weaknesses. They are people who have made mistakes and know it. People who call themselves christians and who are in relationships with God should try to be humble...open to anyone with questions and who wants the help to know God better, be more approachable. If you are not easy to approach and to ask a question... you could be turning someone away from the Lord because You could be the only way they ever get to know the Lord. It just makes me mad that some christians put off that image that other people can't come and talk to them. We ALL need to be more considerate and thoughtful and understanding to the people who want God but don't really know how to get him. IT HONESTLY ERKS ME some of us call ourselves christians but we seem to make ourselves NOT AVAILABLE for the people who arent christians and who have questions. We even do this to other christians. Sometimes I feel the same way around people WHO ARE CHRISTIANS... its almost like there is that feeling... that they think they are higher and holier than me and so its as if they are too good! That actually pisses me off when people act like that! WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN GODS EYES....if you truly know who you are in God, you wouldnt act like that.... One who walks closely with God is free from competitiveness, aggressiveness, and the need to prove your worth. CHILDREN OF GOD have an inner contentment about themselves. ACCOMPLISHMENTS, STATUS, AUTHORITY, POWER, AND OTHER PEOPLES OPINIONS SHOULD NOT MATTER. But yet, people walk around calling themselves christian but act like they are better because they have a spot on leadership or because they have been in a relationship with the lord longer or they think their testimony is more important than others! NO MAM...... WE ALL HAVE A VOICE and we all are in the eye of the public because of who we say we are.

THE fact that this girl was scared to ask another child of God ABOUT GOD... makes us look like we are not doing what we are supposed to be doing. It is just sad that some people have made christians look fake. And yes, there are some people out there who claim to be christian but are not living the life of a christian. THAT WORD "christian" is used so lightly that its annoying. There are some people in the ministry just doing ministry because it looks good and they like how people look at them! It seems like some people just do it for a show..... That is not what the lord wants you to do with his name Yall!!! I try not to get mad and let those thoughts cross my mind beause I really only need to worry about my relationship with the Lord and MY ACTIONS....... He knows your thoughts and the reason behind your teachings... he knows your heart and if your doing it for the wrong reasons then He will deal with you on his own.
(MATTHEW 9:4) Jesus knew what they were thinking, so He asked them "why are you thinking such evil thoughts?"
Well, I tried to make her understand that she could talk and ask as many questions as she needed. And that she should never ever feel scared or that she is going to looked down upon for not knowing anything about the lord.

ANYWAYS, after i talked to her I was driving my car, which is a 99 honda accord in which ive had WAY TOO MANY PROBLEMS with, as I parked and was opening the door to my car.... the HANDLE on the indside just broke off into my hand.... I WAS MAD.... because it just seems like one thing after another with that stupid car.... the transmissions been replaced a million times, my car has broke down on me a million times..... i just Am tired of this car.... the only person who seems to understand that this car AINT WORTH NOTHIN is my great grandmother. I don't mean to complain but I gotta vent!! I am having to open up a flippin credit card just to pay for that stupid drunk guy RAMMIN my car and then leavin which is gonna cost 1000 bucks and yet he gets to walk free for doin that..... UGHHH NOT FAIR!
ok so thats my day and my rant..... :) im good now.... just need a new car... thats all! ha

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean, I hope you get a new car soon!! But your so great, for understanding that and being open as a christian to others who really need it.!! That's awesome!
