SO, lately...I've really been struggling with some stuff.... For some reason, I just haven't been ME lately... I feel like something is missing! I don't know what... but I know its something! I kinda feel like I haven't been my happy, UPITY, silly, goofy self lately! I feel kinda like I'm losing God and his spirit that was inside me!
Sarah told me it was all lies from the enemy... and I guess that kinda makes sense with everything I've been trying to do recently. Trying to get on with my life without a man in it, trying to stay focused and fix my eyes on ONLY THE LORD, trying to stay strong in this ministry for these kids, trying to lose weight and get on the right track with myself, the feelings of rejection.....MAN ITS ALL JUST BE CREEPIN UP ON ME! AND I HATE IT!
But this morning in church... pastor was talkin about Jesus promised US that we would face troubles and adversity but HE ALSO PROMISED to hold our hand and be there with us and to bring us through it. It's so hard to remind myself of this sometimes. Because I JUST BEAT MYSELF UP some days. I put myself down so much.....and then that night I sit there and ask... HOLY SPIRIT... WHERE ARE YOU????? THIS IS NOT THE FRUIT OF YOUR SPIRIT!!! And it makes me wonder, what the heck is going on? I haven't done anything differently!??? Yes, I have been struggling with things lately, but I have still been praying and turning to the Lord for answers... So why is it, that some days are better than others! Some days... I feel so depressed and down... and I miss the WORLDLY THINGS AND PEOPLE so much and some days, I know exactly what I am doing!
Tonight, I was watching that Tyler Perry Movie "why did I get married?" and I kept thinking..MAN I LOVE HIS MOVIES... they are always based upon faith and christianity! I LOVE THAT! But I started to look at the couples in this movie and one man had been havin an affair with a woman who was gorgeous, BUT SHE DIDNT HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO OFFER! And the woman he was married too, did everything for him.....Yet, she wasn't good enough for him. Then later on in the movie.... He starts to realize what he did... that he had this woman who was 80 %....EIGHTY PERCENT... of what he wanted in a woman... but this other little woman comes in who is perfect by the looks of it but she is ONLY 20 %..The girl didnt do NOTHING FOR HIM but spend his money and LOOK GOOD.......the woman he was married to started to doubt God for a minute... BUT THEN, just as she started to doubt him..... THERE WAS THIS GORGEOUS MAN who wanted to marry her.... A GORGEOUS, CHRISTIAN, LOVING, AND RESPECTFUL MAN!
And when you think about it... thats exactly how The lord works.... Just when you start thinkin he aint there no more.... HE POPS UP and gives you something better than what you had before.
So i guess my thing is this..... When is He gonna pop up and give me what I deserve?
I am just ready to fully happy again! I changed my life completely in february and The enemy has come at me HARD but I have done better than I ever thought I'd be able to... And its been hard to maintain my level with Jesus. The enemy brought something back into my life that he knew would tear me down and make me question myself. I have started wondering... what did I do wrong?? why am i not good enough!?? Why can I not be stronger?? people tell me all the time How beautiful I am.... WHY CAN'T I BELIEVE IT!?????? People have treated me like crap in the past and I am still holding on to all of those OLD THINGS... and now I am questioning myself even though I KNOW IN MY HEART WHO I AM IN GOD... BUT MY MIND KEEPS TELLIN ME I'M NOT THAT WOMAN!
I just hate sometimes how hard it is... I want to be that woman that other people come TO ME for advice... not me always bein the one askin for advice! And I feel like I am so full of knowledge and wisdom to help other people... I just need to believe it! I can give GREAT ADVICE for the girls who do talk to me... why can't I practice what I preach though? I want people to look at me and be like.. MAN, she is so bold in christ! But, I feel like something is holding me back.. and I pray all the time about it and I still feel like I am not going anywhere!???? Needless to say, Scripture says to never stop praying...I just am ready for an answer Lord... THats ALL!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
:) NicE DaY to CatCh some RayS
Today was such a peaceful day! I had the day off and it was the first day I didn't have to be up at work early.... I should probably get used to that though considering I'm about to be working at a summer camp and gotta BE THERE at 6 am..... I AM SOOOO NOT A MORNING PERSON! lol My new best friend has recently become a 3foot tall can of monster energy drink! THe Blue Kind lol :0) Its pretty delicious if I must say so.. HeEHeE
Anyways... I got to sleep til 12:30 and it was actually really hard to stay asleep that long... my internal clock always wakes me uP! or my dog does! lol
I went and layed out at the pool with my good pal blake who I am making take me to the lake this weekend... he doesn't know it yet though! HAAHAHA
Today has just been very relaxing!
I also decided, because I think its what is best for me at the moment... and I also believe it was what God has called for me to do in this season....Its time for committment! To the Lord! Which means..... NO BOYS! :)
FINALLY, I am not going to think about, worry about, or want a relationship until its the right time and until I know exactly where I stand and who I am as a woman of God. I know that I need to know all about myself before I can start to get to know another person. God wants me to know him and he wants to know me! That is a relationship I am willing to give up boys for!
For the next 7 months of my life.... there will be no dating! and as hard as it may be.... I am not going to wish for a relationship even though it IS the desires of my heart. My biggest dream and desire is to be married with atleast 3 or 4 kids... and to live on a farm with my sexy, outdoorsy, huntin, fishin, ridin 4 wheelers husband! BUTTTTT the lord has said if I give him all of my attention for now, THEN....he will give me what I want! I can't wait for that day when I meet my husband...but I KNOW that I won't meet him as long as I stay focused on what I WANT and not what THE LORD WANTS!
I'm very at peace about it..... I know the Lords got my back in all sitautions... and I don't give him enough credit! So, Thank you lord..... for ALL of the wonderful things you have done for me!
Hope everyone had a great day as well! :o)
Anyways... I got to sleep til 12:30 and it was actually really hard to stay asleep that long... my internal clock always wakes me uP! or my dog does! lol
I went and layed out at the pool with my good pal blake who I am making take me to the lake this weekend... he doesn't know it yet though! HAAHAHA
Today has just been very relaxing!
I also decided, because I think its what is best for me at the moment... and I also believe it was what God has called for me to do in this season....Its time for committment! To the Lord! Which means..... NO BOYS! :)
FINALLY, I am not going to think about, worry about, or want a relationship until its the right time and until I know exactly where I stand and who I am as a woman of God. I know that I need to know all about myself before I can start to get to know another person. God wants me to know him and he wants to know me! That is a relationship I am willing to give up boys for!
For the next 7 months of my life.... there will be no dating! and as hard as it may be.... I am not going to wish for a relationship even though it IS the desires of my heart. My biggest dream and desire is to be married with atleast 3 or 4 kids... and to live on a farm with my sexy, outdoorsy, huntin, fishin, ridin 4 wheelers husband! BUTTTTT the lord has said if I give him all of my attention for now, THEN....he will give me what I want! I can't wait for that day when I meet my husband...but I KNOW that I won't meet him as long as I stay focused on what I WANT and not what THE LORD WANTS!
I'm very at peace about it..... I know the Lords got my back in all sitautions... and I don't give him enough credit! So, Thank you lord..... for ALL of the wonderful things you have done for me!
Hope everyone had a great day as well! :o)
Monday, May 24, 2010
To the jerk who I thought was an ANGEL
To: The love of my life who turned into the jerk of my life.
Dear DKW,
Once upon a time, I was absolutely certain with everything I had in my body,mind, and soul that you were an angel sent from God and you were the man of my dreams and all of my heartache was over. You were the one and I was never going to hurt again. I thought you were the ONE GUY who was going to prove that not all guys are the same. I was wrong.
How do you make someone feel so small?? Especially someone who loved you so much!????? I don't get how a person can be NUMB like you are. I gave you everything I had... All of me... at all times... I never gave up on you even though you gave up on me. 110% ALWAYS is what you got from me. I fight for what I want... I wanted you! I knew what we had when we were together and I was holding on to all of you just because of the times I spent with you and how special the time was to me.
(BTW.... I don't know if you know this.... I prayed for you.... almost every night since I've known you!!! I FASTED FOR YOU! Even though you didn't deserve that from me... but everyone deserves to know the Lord and to be loved by the Lord... and I didn't do any of it because I wanted to be with you.... I did it because I know there is so much pain HIDDEN in your heart. There has to be... with the way you act... I know your hurting! I knew that If you would just let Jesus transform you... maybe.... JUST MAYBE.... you wouldn't always take everything out on me!)
Don't ask me why I wanted to hold on... because why the heck would anyone want to hold on to you? You never treated me like I should have been treated. the beginning...but even then you were always making me feel like I was wrong....YOU would beg to differ on that topic because you are selfish and in YOUR eyes... YOU DO NOTHING WRONG!
I always knew what was going to happen! You would come over... and touch me and kiss me like you do... and make me laugh like you do... and make my smile like you do... and I would melt right back to where I was that last time. You always would tell me... I don;t know what I want... AND all I wanted...was to have ONE just ONE adult conversation about us... and what was the deal with us....but you couldn;t and you wouldn' I had to ask everytime...and it was alwys the same answer.... IM NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS....and at some point I got to the point were I should have just knew what you were going to say...but I always HOPED that one would just realize how much I loved you and what you had with me!
You NEVER stopped giving me butterflies... and you knew how much I loved you because you would ask me.. why are you looking at me like that!? YOU KNOW WHAT THAT LOOK MEANS! I know that any guy would be lucky to have me... I know I made you feel like a king. I would have done anything for you. AND I DID DO ANYTHING for you. I can't say that you do the same for me. I know that one day...when no other girl takes care of you like I did.... and they walk all over you like you walked all over me... and when your sick and she cant take care of you cause she is with her friends...and she would rather be with her friends than be with you...and she doesn't answer your phone calls...and she hangs up on you when all you want to do is talk and explain things because you care that much about her that you just want her to understand... and when you look at her and you know THAT SHE KNOWS how much you love her just by that one look but she makes you feel like the dumbest person alive for lovin her that much because you know she dont love you that much......and when you put 110% into her and only get about 45% back from her.... THEN.... THAT IS WHEN YOU WILL THINK OF ME!
You will sit and think.... I had someone who really truly cared about me and loved me unconditionally.... that girl cared about my best interest... she cared about what I cared about... she woulda loved me even if I got in a car wreck and I ended up bein a vegetable for the rest of my life... she woulda loved me so much that she woulda wiped my butthole if I was paralyzed forever...she just wanted to be my rock!!!! she just wanted my time.... she just wanted to show me how much she loved me....... AND I SCREWED UP!!!!! I wouldn't let her love me....and maybe I didn't let myself love her! I have sat back and let the one person who cared about me walk away forever. I put her off to the side, while I looked around to see if there was someone better.... I was looking for beautiful girls not girls with beautiful hearts. I let a beautiful girl with a beautiful heart get away. But now, I'm too stubborn and I will never let her know what I really think of her!
THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO BE SAYING LATER DOWN THE ROAD. When you realize that beauty isn't everything and when you realize you can't get time back! I know that I am not the most beautiful woman in the world.... but I am pretty and I have a HUGE HEART!
IF you don't care about someone as much as they care about you.... WHY would you drag them along? Why wouldn't you just say... look... I;m really sorry, and I don't want to hurt your feelings... but I want to be honest with you... I just don't have the feelings for you that you have for me. BUT NO, you kept me draggin along.... and then every time I would get to the point that I was FINE without you.... here you come back into my life... i'm guessin it was only to make sure I was still there... and again.. thats a topic I'm sure you would beg to differ on! BEcause You are perfect and everything that happens is my fault. I know that everytime I get mad or my feelings get hurt...its for a PERFECT reason and somehow... you turn and flip it and make me feel like the biggest idiot in the world for being mad.
You are short with me...when I call... you are a jerk..... well the last time I called you were a jerk.... The way you made it seem like you could care less if you ever talk to me again....... So, at this point... the more you are mean to me like that.... the easier it gets for me to turn and walk away..... last night.... was literally the end of it for me..... 6 months from now.... when I still have not answered a phone call or text that you have sent...and you are wondering what you did????? Please put yourself in my position and try to think how I think ( i know thats a challenge for you because you are so cold) and think of how it would feel.... if.... I answered the phone and the first thing I say... is why are you calling me???? There is nothing to talk about and I don't have anytthing to say... but I appreciate you thinking about me!!!???!!
When your wondering a few months from now... what you did and why I wont talk to you.... think back to the night I called you 5 times in a row... and every time you hung up on me..... and told me you had nothing to say to me!
OK well.... there are a lot more things that are just too mean to spit out on the internet... I'm a christian so I'm not gonna dog you like that! Because I did care about you at one point... and because I have class and respect. You on the other hand.... can continue talkin about me tellin people I'm crazy and this and that because I am over it and this was my last spill on you and about you and too you!
Dear DKW,
Once upon a time, I was absolutely certain with everything I had in my body,mind, and soul that you were an angel sent from God and you were the man of my dreams and all of my heartache was over. You were the one and I was never going to hurt again. I thought you were the ONE GUY who was going to prove that not all guys are the same. I was wrong.
How do you make someone feel so small?? Especially someone who loved you so much!????? I don't get how a person can be NUMB like you are. I gave you everything I had... All of me... at all times... I never gave up on you even though you gave up on me. 110% ALWAYS is what you got from me. I fight for what I want... I wanted you! I knew what we had when we were together and I was holding on to all of you just because of the times I spent with you and how special the time was to me.
(BTW.... I don't know if you know this.... I prayed for you.... almost every night since I've known you!!! I FASTED FOR YOU! Even though you didn't deserve that from me... but everyone deserves to know the Lord and to be loved by the Lord... and I didn't do any of it because I wanted to be with you.... I did it because I know there is so much pain HIDDEN in your heart. There has to be... with the way you act... I know your hurting! I knew that If you would just let Jesus transform you... maybe.... JUST MAYBE.... you wouldn't always take everything out on me!)
Don't ask me why I wanted to hold on... because why the heck would anyone want to hold on to you? You never treated me like I should have been treated. the beginning...but even then you were always making me feel like I was wrong....YOU would beg to differ on that topic because you are selfish and in YOUR eyes... YOU DO NOTHING WRONG!
I always knew what was going to happen! You would come over... and touch me and kiss me like you do... and make me laugh like you do... and make my smile like you do... and I would melt right back to where I was that last time. You always would tell me... I don;t know what I want... AND all I wanted...was to have ONE just ONE adult conversation about us... and what was the deal with us....but you couldn;t and you wouldn' I had to ask everytime...and it was alwys the same answer.... IM NOT TALKING ABOUT THIS....and at some point I got to the point were I should have just knew what you were going to say...but I always HOPED that one would just realize how much I loved you and what you had with me!
You NEVER stopped giving me butterflies... and you knew how much I loved you because you would ask me.. why are you looking at me like that!? YOU KNOW WHAT THAT LOOK MEANS! I know that any guy would be lucky to have me... I know I made you feel like a king. I would have done anything for you. AND I DID DO ANYTHING for you. I can't say that you do the same for me. I know that one day...when no other girl takes care of you like I did.... and they walk all over you like you walked all over me... and when your sick and she cant take care of you cause she is with her friends...and she would rather be with her friends than be with you...and she doesn't answer your phone calls...and she hangs up on you when all you want to do is talk and explain things because you care that much about her that you just want her to understand... and when you look at her and you know THAT SHE KNOWS how much you love her just by that one look but she makes you feel like the dumbest person alive for lovin her that much because you know she dont love you that much......and when you put 110% into her and only get about 45% back from her.... THEN.... THAT IS WHEN YOU WILL THINK OF ME!
You will sit and think.... I had someone who really truly cared about me and loved me unconditionally.... that girl cared about my best interest... she cared about what I cared about... she woulda loved me even if I got in a car wreck and I ended up bein a vegetable for the rest of my life... she woulda loved me so much that she woulda wiped my butthole if I was paralyzed forever...she just wanted to be my rock!!!! she just wanted my time.... she just wanted to show me how much she loved me....... AND I SCREWED UP!!!!! I wouldn't let her love me....and maybe I didn't let myself love her! I have sat back and let the one person who cared about me walk away forever. I put her off to the side, while I looked around to see if there was someone better.... I was looking for beautiful girls not girls with beautiful hearts. I let a beautiful girl with a beautiful heart get away. But now, I'm too stubborn and I will never let her know what I really think of her!
THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO BE SAYING LATER DOWN THE ROAD. When you realize that beauty isn't everything and when you realize you can't get time back! I know that I am not the most beautiful woman in the world.... but I am pretty and I have a HUGE HEART!
IF you don't care about someone as much as they care about you.... WHY would you drag them along? Why wouldn't you just say... look... I;m really sorry, and I don't want to hurt your feelings... but I want to be honest with you... I just don't have the feelings for you that you have for me. BUT NO, you kept me draggin along.... and then every time I would get to the point that I was FINE without you.... here you come back into my life... i'm guessin it was only to make sure I was still there... and again.. thats a topic I'm sure you would beg to differ on! BEcause You are perfect and everything that happens is my fault. I know that everytime I get mad or my feelings get hurt...its for a PERFECT reason and somehow... you turn and flip it and make me feel like the biggest idiot in the world for being mad.
You are short with me...when I call... you are a jerk..... well the last time I called you were a jerk.... The way you made it seem like you could care less if you ever talk to me again....... So, at this point... the more you are mean to me like that.... the easier it gets for me to turn and walk away..... last night.... was literally the end of it for me..... 6 months from now.... when I still have not answered a phone call or text that you have sent...and you are wondering what you did????? Please put yourself in my position and try to think how I think ( i know thats a challenge for you because you are so cold) and think of how it would feel.... if.... I answered the phone and the first thing I say... is why are you calling me???? There is nothing to talk about and I don't have anytthing to say... but I appreciate you thinking about me!!!???!!
When your wondering a few months from now... what you did and why I wont talk to you.... think back to the night I called you 5 times in a row... and every time you hung up on me..... and told me you had nothing to say to me!
OK well.... there are a lot more things that are just too mean to spit out on the internet... I'm a christian so I'm not gonna dog you like that! Because I did care about you at one point... and because I have class and respect. You on the other hand.... can continue talkin about me tellin people I'm crazy and this and that because I am over it and this was my last spill on you and about you and too you!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
A new day

But, unfortunately... My words are usually read only by a select few people if I am lucky. I hope that my words can touch and help yall, because I know that some of the stuff I read on your blog...helps me!
Today, I woke up... with a newly found peace! I knew that God was going to take care of me and my situation. It is so hard to trust...that I don't have to be in control of my life or everything in my life. It's defiantely hard to let someone else be in control. But the thing is.... I DO HAVE TO TRUST that someone else is going to control my life better than I can control it myself.
So far, I haven't been let down. Yes, I've had to let go and get rid of things I didn't really want to let go of, and yes I've had to give up alot. BUT it has all been worth it. God has led me to great places and to great people. There are still things from the past that linger that have been the hardest to let go of.... but I finally have.... AND IT FEELS AMAZING! Not to worry if i'm loved or not by a certain person or if they think about me or miss me or want to be with me! It wasn't easy because that person is what I wanted and dude..I'd be lying if I said I didn't still want it, because I do..but thats not the point. The point is...that I want him...but I'll be ok if God ends up not changing the person I want and sending me someone better. Because that's how God rolls. He either doesn't want that for you and has something better or its not the right time and you gotta be patient. I'm so at peace with this now... its hard to let go...but once you finally do, you will be sittin there like...why didn't I do this earlier! Because you are not sitting there thinking about things all day...yeah i think about it... but not as much! I gave it to God to handle so what is the point of sitting there thinking about it all day and wondering what is going to happen. YOU CANNOT CHANGE THINGS..... only GOD CAN.
God is going to do HIS WILL, whether you like it or don't try to change it because you can't. Just agree with Him and let him do his job. He knows what He is doing. Someone told me the other day "Sometimes OUR yes's are alot louder than GOD's no's! Which means we are pretty much fighting God and telling him what we want instead of telling him to give us what He wants! It was hard to grasp but I knew God kept telling me, "jessica, you just gotta let go!" I just didn't want to hear it because it's not what I wanted to do. I was scared that as soon as I let go, that would be it......the end of my boy and i..... I didn't want that... I couldn't even begin to think about a life without him in it....
When God tells you to let go...He's not telling you to stop talkin and being friends but he's sayin stop expecting things to go YOUR WAY and let them happen MY WAY!
Fall in love with God. Make your next boyfriend go through God to get to you. For instance, my situation...I AM NOT GOING TO BE WITH SOMEONE WHO ISN'T ON THE SAME LEVEL I'M ON, and I'm not going to be with someone who doesn't love jesus. We all know what we want...its just that we settle for what we can get. Don't settle! You don't have too! You deserve the best because YOU ARE ROYALTY! You are a precious child of God and that is what makes you so special! I will NOT COMPROMISE on certain things that I want out of a man. I am not willing to sacrafice certain things to be with a man. I am not going to let anyone bring me down to the point that I don't know who I am without them. Its just not a fun feeling and it hurts!
God gave me this verse about my guy and I realized after reading it that I can't put myself in a position with him because he ain't on my level. This verse describes my situation and my dude to a tea!
James 3:13-18
If you are wise and understand Gods ways, live a life of steady goodnes so that only good deeds will pour forth. And if you don't brag about the good you do, then you will be truly wise. But if you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in your hearts, don't brag about being wise. That is the worst kind of lie. For jealousy and selfishness are not Gods kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and motivated by the devil. For wherever there is jealousy, there is selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and every kind of evil.
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure.It is also peace, loving, gentle at times, and willing to yeild to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no partiality and is always sincere. And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of goodness.
I am not sure what everyone is going through...but no ones life is completely perfect without any flaws to it. Whatever it is.... I challenge you to give it to God, and see how your life changes!
I love YAll!!! :o)
But, unfortunately... My words are usually read only by a select few people if I am lucky. I hope that my words can touch and help yall, because I know that some of the stuff I read on your blog...helps me!
Today, I woke up... with a newly found peace! I knew that God was going to take care of me and my situation. It is so hard to trust...that I don't have to be in control of my life or everything in my life. It's defiantely hard to let someone else be in control. But the thing is.... I DO HAVE TO TRUST that someone else is going to control my life better than I can control it myself.
So far, I haven't been let down. Yes, I've had to let go and get rid of things I didn't really want to let go of, and yes I've had to give up alot. BUT it has all been worth it. God has led me to great places and to great people. There are still things from the past that linger that have been the hardest to let go of.... but I finally have.... AND IT FEELS AMAZING! Not to worry if i'm loved or not by a certain person or if they think about me or miss me or want to be with me! It wasn't easy because that person is what I wanted and dude..I'd be lying if I said I didn't still want it, because I do..but thats not the point. The point is...that I want him...but I'll be ok if God ends up not changing the person I want and sending me someone better. Because that's how God rolls. He either doesn't want that for you and has something better or its not the right time and you gotta be patient. I'm so at peace with this now... its hard to let go...but once you finally do, you will be sittin there like...why didn't I do this earlier! Because you are not sitting there thinking about things all day...yeah i think about it... but not as much! I gave it to God to handle so what is the point of sitting there thinking about it all day and wondering what is going to happen. YOU CANNOT CHANGE THINGS..... only GOD CAN.
God is going to do HIS WILL, whether you like it or don't try to change it because you can't. Just agree with Him and let him do his job. He knows what He is doing. Someone told me the other day "Sometimes OUR yes's are alot louder than GOD's no's! Which means we are pretty much fighting God and telling him what we want instead of telling him to give us what He wants! It was hard to grasp but I knew God kept telling me, "jessica, you just gotta let go!" I just didn't want to hear it because it's not what I wanted to do. I was scared that as soon as I let go, that would be it......the end of my boy and i..... I didn't want that... I couldn't even begin to think about a life without him in it....
When God tells you to let go...He's not telling you to stop talkin and being friends but he's sayin stop expecting things to go YOUR WAY and let them happen MY WAY!
Fall in love with God. Make your next boyfriend go through God to get to you. For instance, my situation...I AM NOT GOING TO BE WITH SOMEONE WHO ISN'T ON THE SAME LEVEL I'M ON, and I'm not going to be with someone who doesn't love jesus. We all know what we want...its just that we settle for what we can get. Don't settle! You don't have too! You deserve the best because YOU ARE ROYALTY! You are a precious child of God and that is what makes you so special! I will NOT COMPROMISE on certain things that I want out of a man. I am not willing to sacrafice certain things to be with a man. I am not going to let anyone bring me down to the point that I don't know who I am without them. Its just not a fun feeling and it hurts!
God gave me this verse about my guy and I realized after reading it that I can't put myself in a position with him because he ain't on my level. This verse describes my situation and my dude to a tea!
James 3:13-18
If you are wise and understand Gods ways, live a life of steady goodnes so that only good deeds will pour forth. And if you don't brag about the good you do, then you will be truly wise. But if you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in your hearts, don't brag about being wise. That is the worst kind of lie. For jealousy and selfishness are not Gods kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and motivated by the devil. For wherever there is jealousy, there is selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and every kind of evil.
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure.It is also peace, loving, gentle at times, and willing to yeild to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no partiality and is always sincere. And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of goodness.
I am not sure what everyone is going through...but no ones life is completely perfect without any flaws to it. Whatever it is.... I challenge you to give it to God, and see how your life changes!
I love YAll!!! :o)
Thursday, May 13, 2010
God, I need your wisdom for this
The Lord knows the desires of my heart.... He knows the list I have made of the perfect man.... which is so funny to me because the guy I want so much is defiantely not perfect or close to the man i made up on a piece of paper. I desperately need your wisdom Lord. I do great in my relationship with the lord until my past pops back into my life. Which is why I need some guidance.
Every time he waltz back into my life, Its always on his time. He is the one who always makes the INCONSISTENT appearances. I know that this is not what God wants for me. My friends and family have told me to move on but its hard because I just want to have hope that he will end up growing up and maturing and realizing that when there is someone who loves you so much with unconditional love...and you love that person back, but you can't seem to settle down or figure out what is holding you back from being with a girl you see yourself being married too...... MAYBE JUST MAYBE....those feelings are there for a reason and we are back in each others lives for a reason.... and a guy will try and try and try to find every explanation to push that idea out of the window. I've heard guys say this before too. They have that girl who is the perfect one and you know how great she is, but they assume they have time to mess around because THE PERFECT GIRL will always wait around. WHich is not true... yeah, we wait for a while... but it definately gets old and eventually we do move on... FOR GOOD! I think that if you know how much someone loves you, why would you feel the need to wait if you know you love them back.... you either love someone and you want to be with them... or you dont! END OF STORY! Guys say that we girls are the ones who make things so complicated.... we might, but they do the junk that makes us make it complicated. Then act like they don't know what we are talking about when we tell them what they did wrong.
We ended up fighting about everything...about the fact that you can't tell a girl shes everything you want in a wife and NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. I told him he cant really expect me to not think that what he said is a way to try to work things out and start hanging out more. THen he said we're not single... i dont have to talk to you or see you everyday! He actually said some very hateful things to me... which started to make me see him a little differently... but still its like the rejection just makes me want to fight more to make sure I flip the tables. It works... i do start threatening to be done for good and then he grabs and is like your gonna be done OVER THIS!???? hahahahahhaha wow......
I just know that if we were on the same page.... OMG....i'd marry him tomorrow.... but we arent! I had to tell him that.... yeah... i wanna be with him and all....but not right now... if things ended up being different and he started loving jesus more.... itd be on!
I told him that too.... and he said well why dont you just let God deal with all of this stuff! UMMMM EXCUSE ME...... i have been.... i was doing great until you showed back up! Things happen for a reason... i don;'t know what that reason is.... which is why I need for you to show me God..... you know what I want in a man...and you know the man I want.... so please show me the way or the way out if I need to go a different way!
Every time he waltz back into my life, Its always on his time. He is the one who always makes the INCONSISTENT appearances. I know that this is not what God wants for me. My friends and family have told me to move on but its hard because I just want to have hope that he will end up growing up and maturing and realizing that when there is someone who loves you so much with unconditional love...and you love that person back, but you can't seem to settle down or figure out what is holding you back from being with a girl you see yourself being married too...... MAYBE JUST MAYBE....those feelings are there for a reason and we are back in each others lives for a reason.... and a guy will try and try and try to find every explanation to push that idea out of the window. I've heard guys say this before too. They have that girl who is the perfect one and you know how great she is, but they assume they have time to mess around because THE PERFECT GIRL will always wait around. WHich is not true... yeah, we wait for a while... but it definately gets old and eventually we do move on... FOR GOOD! I think that if you know how much someone loves you, why would you feel the need to wait if you know you love them back.... you either love someone and you want to be with them... or you dont! END OF STORY! Guys say that we girls are the ones who make things so complicated.... we might, but they do the junk that makes us make it complicated. Then act like they don't know what we are talking about when we tell them what they did wrong.
We ended up fighting about everything...about the fact that you can't tell a girl shes everything you want in a wife and NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. I told him he cant really expect me to not think that what he said is a way to try to work things out and start hanging out more. THen he said we're not single... i dont have to talk to you or see you everyday! He actually said some very hateful things to me... which started to make me see him a little differently... but still its like the rejection just makes me want to fight more to make sure I flip the tables. It works... i do start threatening to be done for good and then he grabs and is like your gonna be done OVER THIS!???? hahahahahhaha wow......
I just know that if we were on the same page.... OMG....i'd marry him tomorrow.... but we arent! I had to tell him that.... yeah... i wanna be with him and all....but not right now... if things ended up being different and he started loving jesus more.... itd be on!
I told him that too.... and he said well why dont you just let God deal with all of this stuff! UMMMM EXCUSE ME...... i have been.... i was doing great until you showed back up! Things happen for a reason... i don;'t know what that reason is.... which is why I need for you to show me God..... you know what I want in a man...and you know the man I want.... so please show me the way or the way out if I need to go a different way!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010 was an uh oh
It was only an uh oh.... because I really thought I was over him... and im not! HE KNOWS IM NOT which is even worse.... because he used that to mess with my head some more! He did come over... he spent the night.... but it was probably the best time ive ever had with him because we just talked most of the time... we ended up kissing.. alot! Which I thought I would be able to say no to him but I do still love him so much..i just wish things were different! We laughed alot and everything was great! He told me he could picture us being married and blah blah blah.... and that I am everything he wants in a woman and he still has feelings for me but he just didnt know... and im like what the heck??????? it kinda ruined my mood and made me start wondering obviously hes pullin this stuff out of his butt because how is someone everything you want but you dont want it????????? is it because hes not done playin...he wants to see what else is out there!?? and then all day monday and today... IM APISSED at myself for letting things go that far.... no we didnt do anything else like we did before... so im proud of myself for that...but I let him once again get into my head KNOWING that things arent going to be different! now...i have to start back at square one with getting on with my life without sucks because its like... i want so bad for it to be the story where I changed my life for the lord... and then He changed his life and we just knew it was meant to be....
Its so hard because... i can't understand why after so long and after everything that has happened between us and with me alone, that I still have feelings for this person. The minute I met him, i just knew something was different... I never felt that way about guy... and i still feel that way... He still gives me butterflies! BUT WHY????????????? how is this possible!?? I ask God all the time... whats the purpose of this guy coming in and out of my life.... he either needs to stay or go completely!!!!! I have this question too>>> why after all this time we both still give into each other??? what does that mean?? does it mean, yeah we're for each other... but its god saying its not the right time???? I ponder that question alot!!!
and all of these people who know the story from the beginning sayy He doesnt care about you.... hes playin games to see if he still has you..... and blahh blah blah! Its hard not to believe that.. because i havent heard from him since he left!
I just cant do it to myself anymore........ it hurts... and i hate the way i feel when he leaves!
The wondering if I'm going to hear from him or if things are gonna be different KILLS ME!
Its so hard because... i can't understand why after so long and after everything that has happened between us and with me alone, that I still have feelings for this person. The minute I met him, i just knew something was different... I never felt that way about guy... and i still feel that way... He still gives me butterflies! BUT WHY????????????? how is this possible!?? I ask God all the time... whats the purpose of this guy coming in and out of my life.... he either needs to stay or go completely!!!!! I have this question too>>> why after all this time we both still give into each other??? what does that mean?? does it mean, yeah we're for each other... but its god saying its not the right time???? I ponder that question alot!!!
and all of these people who know the story from the beginning sayy He doesnt care about you.... hes playin games to see if he still has you..... and blahh blah blah! Its hard not to believe that.. because i havent heard from him since he left!
I just cant do it to myself anymore........ it hurts... and i hate the way i feel when he leaves!
The wondering if I'm going to hear from him or if things are gonna be different KILLS ME!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
ohhhh...i may have made an UH OH
Today is mothers day!!! This weekend has been a complete eye opener for me. I have always been thankful for my mother and to have her.....but it reminded me of all the people I know who don't have a mother around anymore. INCLUDING.... my ex...... as a christian woman and as a friend, I felt like I needed to let him know I was praying for him today. I can only imagine how hard it might be for someone to watch all of their friends go home to be with their own mother on this day. This idea probably wasn't my best ever but I hadn't really talked to him since the last time which was in march and I was and am kinda ready to just move on and get past the weirdness and be friends... no matter how much he might not appreciate me as a person or friend or even as someone who cared about him for so long....I am still required to love my neighbor as myself by the Lord. I still love the boy and care what happens to him anyway. And God is gonna do what He wants.... and i'm at the point in my life where I up ready for whatever God wants to give me. I believe He has given me the strength I need to be friends with that guy and to be a godly example for him as well. Whatever Gods will is...I'm gonna follow it. I'm fine without him in my life.... but it would be nice to still have him as a friend and if God permits it to be more than that ever again...will be up to him.
ANyHOW..... all i did was text him and I said "hey bud...just wanted you to know im prayin for you today!" and that was it... see just a harmless friendly text right!??? little did I know he would call me after that! but he did..... i don't know why... but all he did was make me realize he's not the kinda guy I want or deserve.... He's still young and irresponsible and immature and in his party stage. Just observations I got from the conversation we had. It also made me realize... he wouldn't take me as a new godly woman... serious. I haven't really talked to him since I've been baptized in the spirit. But at the end of the conversation, he said something about stopping by my apt before it gets too late. HAHA I CAN"T BELIEVE I AGREED.... but at the same time...I know I am strong enough now to say no if he tried anything.. and if I know him still..... HE WILL.... I just got off the phone with him an hour ago... so we will see if he even actually shows up. I don't want to talk about anything from the past with him... because I want him to see how much I really have changed. I also know that for so long I've wanted to be the one to turn him down and say no to him.... which probably won;t happen because he probably won't ever call to come over. I honestly am mad at myself for even answering the phone when he called... because its like my hopes kinda get started back up again.......all i wanted to do was text him and i thought i'd just get a text back sayin thanks...... i tried to get off the phone with him like 5 times and he kept bein all like... why are you tryin to get off the phone?? ha wow......... I may have made a big fat mistake by textin him in the first place.
ANyHOW..... all i did was text him and I said "hey bud...just wanted you to know im prayin for you today!" and that was it... see just a harmless friendly text right!??? little did I know he would call me after that! but he did..... i don't know why... but all he did was make me realize he's not the kinda guy I want or deserve.... He's still young and irresponsible and immature and in his party stage. Just observations I got from the conversation we had. It also made me realize... he wouldn't take me as a new godly woman... serious. I haven't really talked to him since I've been baptized in the spirit. But at the end of the conversation, he said something about stopping by my apt before it gets too late. HAHA I CAN"T BELIEVE I AGREED.... but at the same time...I know I am strong enough now to say no if he tried anything.. and if I know him still..... HE WILL.... I just got off the phone with him an hour ago... so we will see if he even actually shows up. I don't want to talk about anything from the past with him... because I want him to see how much I really have changed. I also know that for so long I've wanted to be the one to turn him down and say no to him.... which probably won;t happen because he probably won't ever call to come over. I honestly am mad at myself for even answering the phone when he called... because its like my hopes kinda get started back up again.......all i wanted to do was text him and i thought i'd just get a text back sayin thanks...... i tried to get off the phone with him like 5 times and he kept bein all like... why are you tryin to get off the phone?? ha wow......... I may have made a big fat mistake by textin him in the first place.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Frontin and Fakin
I woke up this a.m in a pretty descent mood. I usually am pretty happy and a go with the flow person. It was absolutely beautiful outside so i decided to head to the pool. On my way out... I ran into a friend of mine, who I must say... needs the Lord in a bad way!!!!! She has been hinting to me that she wants to change and texts me all the time telling me she wants to talk about things. I am ALWAYS up to talk to people about the Love the LoRD has to give. ANywaYS.... so i sat down with her and she starts telling me she wants to buy my car. If none of you don't know this.... My car is wrecked... one night I went out... WHEN I KNEW I SHOULDNT HAVE and i had a bad feeling God was gonna get me for it too.... but This drunk idiot got stuck in a ditch and ended up RAMMING his truck into my car to get it unstuck and then DROVE OFF!
SO yeah... she wants to buy my car and just have it fixed.... and of course i've been wantin and needin a new car in the worse way! If i could just get the down payment on a new car I would take it and go get me a new car in a HOT MINUTE! hehe well we started talkin about the Lord... she started tellin me that she thought that everything that could go wrong in her life... was! And she started sayin that she started to blame God for takin certain friends and people out of her life.
All i could think about saying was this..... Why don't you give God the attention and love he deserves. I heard someone say this one time.... AND I BELIEVE IT..... God is going to make you miserable until you commit to him. You are going to be in pain and problems are gonna come more while you live your life without Jesus Christ. She told me she was ready... but she wasnt ready to give up the partying.... But she said at the same time.... she hates doing the things that she does... that it's not fun for her anymore! She began telling me how scared she was to commit to the Lord because of what OTHER PEOPLE would think of her. Not only her friends from the past but also christian people.... I said "NOOOOOO" no one is going to judge you. SHe said that there were things she didnt understand, that she didn't know that bible back and forth, and that she had so many questions about faith. She said she was so scared that people would question her for NOT KNOWING about God and not knowing the bible.
And you know..... that really upset me.
I TRY MY BESTTTTTT to make sure that people know I am a TRUE CHRISTIAN... that I am as much like Jesus as I can be. The apostle Paul stated that we should imitate him just as he imitated Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). Which means this... God most often calls people who don't view themselves as high and mighty but who instead see problems in themselves. They are more humble and teachable because they can more readily recognize and acknowledge their human weaknesses. They are people who have made mistakes and know it. People who call themselves christians and who are in relationships with God should try to be to anyone with questions and who wants the help to know God better, be more approachable. If you are not easy to approach and to ask a question... you could be turning someone away from the Lord because You could be the only way they ever get to know the Lord. It just makes me mad that some christians put off that image that other people can't come and talk to them. We ALL need to be more considerate and thoughtful and understanding to the people who want God but don't really know how to get him. IT HONESTLY ERKS ME some of us call ourselves christians but we seem to make ourselves NOT AVAILABLE for the people who arent christians and who have questions. We even do this to other christians. Sometimes I feel the same way around people WHO ARE CHRISTIANS... its almost like there is that feeling... that they think they are higher and holier than me and so its as if they are too good! That actually pisses me off when people act like that! WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN GODS EYES....if you truly know who you are in God, you wouldnt act like that.... One who walks closely with God is free from competitiveness, aggressiveness, and the need to prove your worth. CHILDREN OF GOD have an inner contentment about themselves. ACCOMPLISHMENTS, STATUS, AUTHORITY, POWER, AND OTHER PEOPLES OPINIONS SHOULD NOT MATTER. But yet, people walk around calling themselves christian but act like they are better because they have a spot on leadership or because they have been in a relationship with the lord longer or they think their testimony is more important than others! NO MAM...... WE ALL HAVE A VOICE and we all are in the eye of the public because of who we say we are.
THE fact that this girl was scared to ask another child of God ABOUT GOD... makes us look like we are not doing what we are supposed to be doing. It is just sad that some people have made christians look fake. And yes, there are some people out there who claim to be christian but are not living the life of a christian. THAT WORD "christian" is used so lightly that its annoying. There are some people in the ministry just doing ministry because it looks good and they like how people look at them! It seems like some people just do it for a show..... That is not what the lord wants you to do with his name Yall!!! I try not to get mad and let those thoughts cross my mind beause I really only need to worry about my relationship with the Lord and MY ACTIONS....... He knows your thoughts and the reason behind your teachings... he knows your heart and if your doing it for the wrong reasons then He will deal with you on his own.
(MATTHEW 9:4) Jesus knew what they were thinking, so He asked them "why are you thinking such evil thoughts?"
Well, I tried to make her understand that she could talk and ask as many questions as she needed. And that she should never ever feel scared or that she is going to looked down upon for not knowing anything about the lord.
ANYWAYS, after i talked to her I was driving my car, which is a 99 honda accord in which ive had WAY TOO MANY PROBLEMS with, as I parked and was opening the door to my car.... the HANDLE on the indside just broke off into my hand.... I WAS MAD.... because it just seems like one thing after another with that stupid car.... the transmissions been replaced a million times, my car has broke down on me a million times..... i just Am tired of this car.... the only person who seems to understand that this car AINT WORTH NOTHIN is my great grandmother. I don't mean to complain but I gotta vent!! I am having to open up a flippin credit card just to pay for that stupid drunk guy RAMMIN my car and then leavin which is gonna cost 1000 bucks and yet he gets to walk free for doin that..... UGHHH NOT FAIR!
ok so thats my day and my rant..... :) im good now.... just need a new car... thats all! ha
SO yeah... she wants to buy my car and just have it fixed.... and of course i've been wantin and needin a new car in the worse way! If i could just get the down payment on a new car I would take it and go get me a new car in a HOT MINUTE! hehe well we started talkin about the Lord... she started tellin me that she thought that everything that could go wrong in her life... was! And she started sayin that she started to blame God for takin certain friends and people out of her life.
All i could think about saying was this..... Why don't you give God the attention and love he deserves. I heard someone say this one time.... AND I BELIEVE IT..... God is going to make you miserable until you commit to him. You are going to be in pain and problems are gonna come more while you live your life without Jesus Christ. She told me she was ready... but she wasnt ready to give up the partying.... But she said at the same time.... she hates doing the things that she does... that it's not fun for her anymore! She began telling me how scared she was to commit to the Lord because of what OTHER PEOPLE would think of her. Not only her friends from the past but also christian people.... I said "NOOOOOO" no one is going to judge you. SHe said that there were things she didnt understand, that she didn't know that bible back and forth, and that she had so many questions about faith. She said she was so scared that people would question her for NOT KNOWING about God and not knowing the bible.
And you know..... that really upset me.
I TRY MY BESTTTTTT to make sure that people know I am a TRUE CHRISTIAN... that I am as much like Jesus as I can be. The apostle Paul stated that we should imitate him just as he imitated Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). Which means this... God most often calls people who don't view themselves as high and mighty but who instead see problems in themselves. They are more humble and teachable because they can more readily recognize and acknowledge their human weaknesses. They are people who have made mistakes and know it. People who call themselves christians and who are in relationships with God should try to be to anyone with questions and who wants the help to know God better, be more approachable. If you are not easy to approach and to ask a question... you could be turning someone away from the Lord because You could be the only way they ever get to know the Lord. It just makes me mad that some christians put off that image that other people can't come and talk to them. We ALL need to be more considerate and thoughtful and understanding to the people who want God but don't really know how to get him. IT HONESTLY ERKS ME some of us call ourselves christians but we seem to make ourselves NOT AVAILABLE for the people who arent christians and who have questions. We even do this to other christians. Sometimes I feel the same way around people WHO ARE CHRISTIANS... its almost like there is that feeling... that they think they are higher and holier than me and so its as if they are too good! That actually pisses me off when people act like that! WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN GODS EYES....if you truly know who you are in God, you wouldnt act like that.... One who walks closely with God is free from competitiveness, aggressiveness, and the need to prove your worth. CHILDREN OF GOD have an inner contentment about themselves. ACCOMPLISHMENTS, STATUS, AUTHORITY, POWER, AND OTHER PEOPLES OPINIONS SHOULD NOT MATTER. But yet, people walk around calling themselves christian but act like they are better because they have a spot on leadership or because they have been in a relationship with the lord longer or they think their testimony is more important than others! NO MAM...... WE ALL HAVE A VOICE and we all are in the eye of the public because of who we say we are.
THE fact that this girl was scared to ask another child of God ABOUT GOD... makes us look like we are not doing what we are supposed to be doing. It is just sad that some people have made christians look fake. And yes, there are some people out there who claim to be christian but are not living the life of a christian. THAT WORD "christian" is used so lightly that its annoying. There are some people in the ministry just doing ministry because it looks good and they like how people look at them! It seems like some people just do it for a show..... That is not what the lord wants you to do with his name Yall!!! I try not to get mad and let those thoughts cross my mind beause I really only need to worry about my relationship with the Lord and MY ACTIONS....... He knows your thoughts and the reason behind your teachings... he knows your heart and if your doing it for the wrong reasons then He will deal with you on his own.
(MATTHEW 9:4) Jesus knew what they were thinking, so He asked them "why are you thinking such evil thoughts?"
Well, I tried to make her understand that she could talk and ask as many questions as she needed. And that she should never ever feel scared or that she is going to looked down upon for not knowing anything about the lord.
ANYWAYS, after i talked to her I was driving my car, which is a 99 honda accord in which ive had WAY TOO MANY PROBLEMS with, as I parked and was opening the door to my car.... the HANDLE on the indside just broke off into my hand.... I WAS MAD.... because it just seems like one thing after another with that stupid car.... the transmissions been replaced a million times, my car has broke down on me a million times..... i just Am tired of this car.... the only person who seems to understand that this car AINT WORTH NOTHIN is my great grandmother. I don't mean to complain but I gotta vent!! I am having to open up a flippin credit card just to pay for that stupid drunk guy RAMMIN my car and then leavin which is gonna cost 1000 bucks and yet he gets to walk free for doin that..... UGHHH NOT FAIR!
ok so thats my day and my rant..... :) im good now.... just need a new car... thats all! ha
Sunday, May 2, 2010
WHy do some people take the easy way out?
I have known so many people who just take the easy way out... OF EVERYTHING. Has anyone ever noticed that the easy way out.... is so painful. It causes more heartache, more insecurities, more problems, more drama, more everything that is bad. When you take the easy way out.. i don't know about yall... but when i tried the easy way out..... I felt so empty inside. I never felt satisfied with anything I tried.... No guy ever made me feel better. What I did with them and THEM in general just made me feel worse. I hated the bars because being around a bunch of drunk people was obnoxious. WHEN I drank and got drunk... i felt stupid. All it did for me was give me a huge headache the next day.
The most of what I can see, this generation has chosen to take the easy way out. Relationships today... mean nothing to some people. Respect means nothing to some people... and its all because people have chosen to take the easy way out. MAn.... it makes me so mad to think there are some really great people out there who are genuine and legit, but the minute things start getting hard in life.... its over and dunzo and they quit for the easy road. How many people know that the grass aint always greener on the other side?????
All I know is that I was absolutely miserable with everything I tried. Everything I tried that didn't cost me my life or didnt cost me my social life I was doing. I tried everything that I thought would make me happy and yeah, for a little while it makes you happy... but it never ever fulfilled me. Which is why I can't understand why some people are still taking this kinda road. Guys and girls all over the place are looking the wrong places for happiness.
I just don't get what people have to lose by trying Jesus. I wish some people would stop being so flippin selfish and prideful and let go and let God. Its definately not easy.... BUT ITS SO WORTH IT. My life has changed completely and for the better. I have never been so happy. Its not about being perfect, its about being happy instead of being miserable and trying to always please everyone else. I would be lying to you if I told you it was easy. There are people who criticize and hate and dont understand. But the people who love the lord have a happiness about them that you can just see from a distance. EXAMPLE..... I went into a gas station this weekend... :) and this guy behind the counter said to me... SO many beautiful women come in here... but you are the only beautiful woman to come in here with a huge smile. Then he said "why do you smile so much?" All I could think of was... because I love jesus christ and He makes my life! HAHA He didn't know what to say after that. LOL I don't know why some people get so shocked to hear that people live for the Lord.
All I'm wondering is why????? WHY are people so quick to say no to the Lord??????
THE TRUTH IS...... some people don't know how miserable they are because they have lived the same life for so long that they are numb! THEY ARE NUMB WITH THEIR FEELINGS, THEY ARE NUMB TO JESUS CHRIST.....
I once heard someone describe their change like this... "We are like onions.... the more God peels back our layers.... the more we cry!"
Its true!!!! There are some people who don't even know how hurt they are on the inside because they have HID their feelings and their past for so long. They are just numb. The Lord started peeling my layers back and started to realize there were feelings coming out that I never knew I had, that I never wanted to experience. Then I was faced with things that I never wanted to face.
SOOOOOO please tell me why you wanna leave with these burdens for so long!??????? and WHYYYYYY in the world do you wanna do it on your own!?????
THe Lord truly makes your life miserable until you get on board with Him. You may not know how miserable you are because you are numb, but other people can see it in you.... I promise.
Our God is so amazing... that once you confess your faults and your sins... yall... He FORGETS FOREVER! He wants your love so bad because He wants to for us to have a life full of happiness and joy! He wants us to be loved like we have never been loved by any human. His love truly is so deep... it blows my mind sometimes STILL... that someone loves me so much and wants nothing but happiness for me. All it takes is a relationship... thats all he wants!
There are some people out there who hurt so bad and they try everything but Jesus. I ask you to just give this man a chance. HE IS THE ONE MAN YOU CAN COUNT ON AND WHO KEEPS A PROMISE.... and HE PROMISES NEVER TO LEAVE YOU!
The most of what I can see, this generation has chosen to take the easy way out. Relationships today... mean nothing to some people. Respect means nothing to some people... and its all because people have chosen to take the easy way out. MAn.... it makes me so mad to think there are some really great people out there who are genuine and legit, but the minute things start getting hard in life.... its over and dunzo and they quit for the easy road. How many people know that the grass aint always greener on the other side?????
All I know is that I was absolutely miserable with everything I tried. Everything I tried that didn't cost me my life or didnt cost me my social life I was doing. I tried everything that I thought would make me happy and yeah, for a little while it makes you happy... but it never ever fulfilled me. Which is why I can't understand why some people are still taking this kinda road. Guys and girls all over the place are looking the wrong places for happiness.
I just don't get what people have to lose by trying Jesus. I wish some people would stop being so flippin selfish and prideful and let go and let God. Its definately not easy.... BUT ITS SO WORTH IT. My life has changed completely and for the better. I have never been so happy. Its not about being perfect, its about being happy instead of being miserable and trying to always please everyone else. I would be lying to you if I told you it was easy. There are people who criticize and hate and dont understand. But the people who love the lord have a happiness about them that you can just see from a distance. EXAMPLE..... I went into a gas station this weekend... :) and this guy behind the counter said to me... SO many beautiful women come in here... but you are the only beautiful woman to come in here with a huge smile. Then he said "why do you smile so much?" All I could think of was... because I love jesus christ and He makes my life! HAHA He didn't know what to say after that. LOL I don't know why some people get so shocked to hear that people live for the Lord.
All I'm wondering is why????? WHY are people so quick to say no to the Lord??????
THE TRUTH IS...... some people don't know how miserable they are because they have lived the same life for so long that they are numb! THEY ARE NUMB WITH THEIR FEELINGS, THEY ARE NUMB TO JESUS CHRIST.....
I once heard someone describe their change like this... "We are like onions.... the more God peels back our layers.... the more we cry!"
Its true!!!! There are some people who don't even know how hurt they are on the inside because they have HID their feelings and their past for so long. They are just numb. The Lord started peeling my layers back and started to realize there were feelings coming out that I never knew I had, that I never wanted to experience. Then I was faced with things that I never wanted to face.
SOOOOOO please tell me why you wanna leave with these burdens for so long!??????? and WHYYYYYY in the world do you wanna do it on your own!?????
THe Lord truly makes your life miserable until you get on board with Him. You may not know how miserable you are because you are numb, but other people can see it in you.... I promise.
Our God is so amazing... that once you confess your faults and your sins... yall... He FORGETS FOREVER! He wants your love so bad because He wants to for us to have a life full of happiness and joy! He wants us to be loved like we have never been loved by any human. His love truly is so deep... it blows my mind sometimes STILL... that someone loves me so much and wants nothing but happiness for me. All it takes is a relationship... thats all he wants!
There are some people out there who hurt so bad and they try everything but Jesus. I ask you to just give this man a chance. HE IS THE ONE MAN YOU CAN COUNT ON AND WHO KEEPS A PROMISE.... and HE PROMISES NEVER TO LEAVE YOU!
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